Archive for the Category ◊ Other - Careers & Employment ◊

• Thursday, November 19th, 2009
pistons_one asked:

I have been looking for jobs on online job sites such as Monster. I have applied to several, but have not heard anything back. About how long does it usually take employers to call after accepting applications? If it has been more than a week, should I give up hope, or do employers sometimes take longer to review applications?


• Monday, June 22nd, 2009
EWWWW!! A BAAAND-AID!!! asked:

I don’t have the money for a babysitter, have 3 children (ages 2,4,7). I’m not sure about Ebay, but wondering if there are some other options/ideas to earn some extra cash…

Not interested at ALL in any internet based jobs that require a “startup fee”.

Swap a Shirt

• Friday, June 12th, 2009
Girlpowermch asked:

Where I live there are not many employment opportunities during the winter. How can I get a legitimate job online?

Makeapost Blog
• Monday, May 25th, 2009
Joleney G asked:

I particularly want to apply for a job at blockbuster online, but I can’t seem to find the application website. If anyone can help me apply there or anywhere else similar that is not a fast food restaurant that will be very helpful. P.S. I am only 17, so I need jobs without an 18 year old age restriction.

Create a video blog…instantly.
• Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
Divya asked:

I am a 43 yr old mother of 2 kids and wish to earn some money by doing online work.Can anyone suggest some decent and good websites which offer online jobs. I wish to make some money online thru such jobs and I will also have the option of not leaving my home.

Arcade Platform
• Monday, January 19th, 2009
Baby asked:

Are there real online jobs–work from home? Do you believe it? How come are there so many online jobs in the job markets? Are they needy that much? So I believe some are scams and a few are real?

What online jobs do you know are real, legal, and really paid jobs? Are they easy to get?

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